Journal title : Jurnal PAKAR "Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan"
Language : English, Indonesia
Frequency : 2 issues per year (January and July)
First Published : 2024 (Online)
DOI : prefix 10.xxxxx
ISSN (Print) : 0000-0000
ESSN (Online) : 0000-0000
Editor-in-chief : Sri Rahayu Pudjiastuti
Managing Editor : Muhamad Subkhan
Publisher : Magister PPKn STKIP Arrahmaniyah

Journal PAKAR : The Journal of Pancasila and Citizenship Education is a scientific journal managed by the Master of PPKn STKIP Arrahmaniyah which contains various articles on Pancasila and Citizenship Education in the form of research articles.

Journal PAKAR “Pancasila and Citizenship": (e-ISSN: 0000-0000 contains research articles. Published periodically two times a year January and July. 

The PAKAR journal "Pancasila and Citizenship" has the aim and scope of publishing the results of scientific research related to Pancasila and citizenship education (curriculum, teaching, learning media, and evaluation), political education, legal education, moral education, and multicultural education. Published articles come from researchers, academics, professionals and practitioners.